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ATDA Trustee and BNSF General Chairman David Ursini joins ATDA National Staff

ATDA Trustee and BNSF System Committee General Chairman David Ursini has been selected by President Ed Dowell to serve as part of the ATDA’s national staff. Ursini will serve a dual role for the Organization.  He will serve as Executive Assistant to the President, as the ATDA’s new leadership team moves to optimize member engagement and representation.  Additionally, he will fill the Assistant Director of Research role, which had been vacant since the retirement of Ken Bennett in September 2019. Prior to his selection, Ursini was serving a second term as BNSF System Committee General Chairman and recently elected as ATDA Trustee by the Delegates at the 34th General Assembly. President Dowell said, “David brings a wealth of technical skill and experience from leading the 660+ BNSF Rail Traffic Controllers. Having David on our staff will add value for all ATDA members.”