UP Dispatchers

Union Pacific Train Dispatchers are Organizing NOW!


Why unionize with ATDA?

The American Train Dispatchers Association (ATDA), is an AFL-CIO affiliated organization founded in 1917, that currently represents all of the nation’s Class I train dispatchers except those at the UP.  With over 100 years experience in representing Tran Dispatchers, ATDA has an unmatched understanding of what it takes to represent those working in the craft. Coupled with a forward-thinking approach to representation, you can count on us to meet the challenges Train Dispatchers will face in the future. We know what it’s like to man the desk. We know what you’re dealing with. We know the difference that Union representation makes. Why? Because we’re Train Dispatchers too.

It’s time to set things right. It’s time for change. It’s time for UP Train Dispatchers to unionize.

Want more information on the benefits of unionizing with ATDA? Have Questions?
Email us at [email protected].

UP Train Dispatchers A-Card


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do the Class I Railroads’ have anything in their Collective Bargaining Agreements to help resolve unsafe jobs with too much territory? From a Train Dispatcher in Omaha, NE
A: Yes, all of ATDA Collective Bargaining Agreements with the Class I Railroads contain the 1937/1979 National Agreement. This Agreement provides any Train Dispatcher or their Representative the right to bring to the attention of the management, any condition or practice involving safety in train dispatchers service, or involving working conditions of train dispatchers to include but not limited to: Adequate force, rest days, extent of dispatching territory, privacy and elimination of noise and interference. This Agreement establishes a Joint Committee, comprised of 3 labor members and 3 carrier members, to study and resolve such disputes. All decisions of the Joint Committee are binding on the parties.

Q. Can you be fired for submitting an Authorization Card , A-Card? From a Train Dispatcher in California
A: No. Under the Railway Labor Act, employees are guaranteed the right to organize without interference of management, the right to determine who shall represent them, and the right to bargain collectively through such representatives. Any violation subjects the offender to punishment.


Recent ATDA news that UP Train Dispatchers should consider…

ATDA members ratify National Collective Bargaining Agreement, providing wage, healthcare, and vacation improvements

January 07 2025

ATDA Reaches 5-year Agreement with Belt Railway of Chicago to increase wages and address quality of life issues

October 18 2024

ATDA Reaches 5-year Agreement with Terminal Railway to increase wages and address quality of life issues

October 10 2024

ATDA and Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad reach 5-year agreement, avoiding years-long bargaining cycle

October 04 2024

Genessee & Wyoming Train Dispatchers vote to unionize with ATDA

September 04 2024

ATDA Reaches 5-year Agreement with Norfolk Southern to Increase Wages and Address Quality of Life Issues

August 30 2024

ATDA reaches 5-year agreement with BNSF to increase wages and accelerate paid vacation accrual

August 23 2024

ATDA reaches 5-year agreement with CSX to increase wages and expand paid sick leave to cover all Dispatchers

August 22 2024

ATDA Train Dispatchers from the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD) ratify new 7-year agreement

July 18 2024

UPDATE: ATDA Train Dispatchers from the Berkshire & Eastern Railroad ratify agreement to improve pay and working conditions

July 11 2024

Federal Railroad Administration Releases Final Train Dispatcher & Signalman Certification Rules

May 20 2024