
ATDA in attendance as Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg announces rule mandating two-person train crews

April 02 2024

Washington, D.C. – On 4/2/24, ATDA President Ed Dowell, Executive Assistant to the President David Ursini, and CSX System Committee Vice General Chairman Paul Young attended the announcement of a new federal mandate requiring two-person train crews on most routes. The rule, which was developed by the Federal Railroad Administration over the past two years, was announced by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg at the Department of Transportation Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

More than a trivial regulation, the rule’s passage represents a profound victory for rail unions and the American rail safety movement. While railroad corporations have maneuvered toward single-person train crews for many years, unions effectively countered that the plan was a reckless way to cut jobs while endangering the American public. To the unions’ point, the current operating conditions of so-called Precision Scheduled Railroading initiatives require crews to pilot trains over two miles long for over twelve hours, often with no regular sleep schedules.

Commenting on the rule announcement, ATDA President Dowell said, “This is yet again evidence of the Biden Administration’s commitment to rail safety. It’s a great day for rail workers and the safety of American communities. We are proud to have stood with our BLET and SMART-TD brothers and sisters on this important rail safety regulation. We applaud this Administration, the DOT, and the FRA for having the courage to stand up to the rail giants who looked only to slash their workforce while sacrificing safe operation.

From left to right: CSX System Committee Vice General Chairman Paul Young, ATDA Executive Assistant to the President David Ursini, United States Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, ATDA President Ed Dowell, and Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration Amit Bose.