ATDA members ratify National Collective Bargaining Agreement, providing wage, healthcare, and vacation improvements
January 07 2025
Cleveland, Ohio – On January 7, 2025, members of the American Train Dispatchers Association (ATDA) ratified a National Collective Bargaining Agreement that will provide wage and healthcare improvements to members from several railroads. As a result, members from the Conrail and Wisconsin Central (CN) systems will receive wage increases compounding to 18.77% by July 1, 2029. The negotiated agreement also provides healthcare enhancements to those members, along with those from the Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC), Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad (Metra), Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD), and Tri-Rail systems.
While the agreement’s ratification will improve the lives of members from these railroads, it also marks a period of profound negotiating success for ATDA. The Union’s members have now ratified wage or healthcare agreements covering members from 12 properties in the last 7 months alone.
Commenting on the latest ratification, ATDA President Ed Dowell said, “Once again, our members’ voices have been heard. This National Agreement was negotiated successfully without our members having to wait for years to receive their pay increases and healthcare enhancements, as well improvements to the National Vacation Agreement. Let’s hope this round isn’t an anomaly, but the pattern for future negotiations.”